Free software for download

A simple version of the program can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes, study and research. They contain only the basic functions of the supplied systems. Details are provided in the license by pressing the button on the home screen. After verifying that the software is useful for you, you can order the professional version here.

In professional version, the number is limited only by the capacity of your computer. They contain a number of other special functions entered by parameters. Input data can be text files or Excel files, output data can be text files, Excel or Word files.

A new possibility to use the system.
Integration version serves to integrate the system into your application or information system. (So far only DelProTab)
It comes in two variants.

  • Offline variant In your application or information system, you create input files and call a program that performs the optimization, creates output files, and informs you of the result
  • Online variant In your application or information system, you will use functions in C#, C++ to optimize your data and take over the results

The software are intended for Windows 7 and higher operating systems.

Software for businesses


DelProTab (Simple version free)

System DelProTab creates plans for cutting bars or planar material. The goal is to find plan which would produce minimum waste. System uses the modern theory of artificial intelligence in combination with heuristics which were improved during last years. The software is easy to use so an operator worker can use software flexible and can minimize loss.

The new version adds optimization of burning plans including NC program generation.

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Price list of individual versions:

Desktop versions:

Product Simple version Profes. version Mulitilic. for 1 lic
Bar optim. 0,- € 400,- € 300,- €
Optim. of regular objects on the panel 0,- € 400,- € 300,- €
Bar + surface optim. combined 0,- € 600,- € 400,- €
Optim. of material cutting on angle saws 0,- € 800,- € 600,- €

Integration version:

Product Offline version Offline version Mulitilic. for 1 lic
Bar optim. 600,- € 800,- € 400,- €
Optim. of regular objects on the panel 600,- € 800,- € 400,- €
Bar + surface optim. combined 800,- € 1000,- € 600,- €
Optim. of material cutting on angle saws 800,- € 1000,- € 600,- €


DistrCut (Simple version free)

The DistrCut system is a software system used to optimize the division of material at the operation with different types of saws in connection with the superior information system. Optimization is solved by the method of distributed intelligence.

In the new version, overtime planning is added and a new algorithm for multi-day planning is implemented.

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Price list of individual versions:

Product Simple version Profess version Multi license for 1 lic.
Cutting material on different saws 0,- € 600,- € 400,- €

Research software


Opthan Free (simple version) New

The system Opthan is intended to provide common analysis and optimizing of processes. They use most modern methods of artificial intelligence theory in combination of original heuristic methods developed in course of authors' long-term research activity. The goal was to provide technologists an easy controllable tool for an evaluation of very large process data collection, for a discovery possible defects in these data and graphical display of the dependencies in this process and for proposing a combination of optional parameters in order to achieve the best economic effect.

Detailed information about this system and application examples can be found in the file Tutorial.docx.

Our own OPTI experimental neural networks are added in the new version..

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Price list of individual versions:

Product Simple version Professional version Multi license including sale (price for 1 license)
Analysis and optimization of processes 0,- € 800,- € 600,- €

Interpolate FREE (new version)

The Interpolate program is a practical use of artificial intelligence methods in interpolation. Displays the curve passing through the specified points. Between each point, the curve is approximated by the third degree polynomial, the directives at the given points are created by the evolutionary algorithm.

The program is provided free of charge for non-commercial purposes. It can serve as a demonstration of the function of an evolutionary system in the artificial intelligence education or for preparing your Presentation. The only condition is to proclaim the resource: OPTI Intelligent s.r.o.,

In the new version, the selection of the curve type is modified

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